Friday, 1 October 2010

Site Plan

Here is an image I created from shapes and lines in Word showing the type of layout I'm looking at for my navigation.

As you can see, the logo will be at the top and it will be clickable as a way to take the user back to the home page. The navigation bar will be at the top and will consist of around 10 tabs with drop-down boxes for each, consisting of sublinks to various pages. Underneath the navigation bar will be the page content. Nielson's usability guidelines will be used, hopefully, in all the pages. I want the site to be easy to navigate and simple to comprehend. I don't want it to be too complicated. I want someone to visit the site, looking for something, and to find it quickly. I think this is why a search bar will help.

The pages I am planning to have linked are the News, Competitions, TV, Downloads, Music and Games pages.

1 comment:

  1. A good start to this section.
    Explain how Nielsen's usability guidelines are used or not used here. What content sections have you planned? You will need to consider how all the pages in your site link together.
